To Start…

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my first blog post for The Rowan Milani Chronicles. My plan is to have fun sharing some FAQs about my first three thrillers as well as tidbits on the fourth. Along with “book stuff” I am looking forward to engaging with my super cool readers about the things I’m passionate about, and things that I love.

Perhaps my main passion, since experiencing 9/11 while employed in the airline industry, and visiting Ground Zero many times, is to educate everyone about the threat we face from jihad carried out by fundamental and radical Islamists. In pursuit of that goal, I’ve met some amazing and courageous people involved in special operations, law enforcement, and counter-terrorism. The willingness of these special people to share information and insights has enabled me to write accurately.

Another passion near and dear to my heart are my Glock pistols. (Sooo sexy!) When I need a writing break, you may find me refreshing my mind at the shooting range. Tied to my passion for Glock pistols is my strong advocacy for our Second Amendment. The personal empowerment of self-defense is a precious right for every American. miniG3

I am passionate about encouraging all people to pursue their dreams. We owe it to ourselves to make the most of the one life we’ve been given. Too often I’ve met folks who are consumed with daily responsibilities and obligations to the point where they themselves are lost, or invisible. I consider that a tragedy. Find a way to pursue your goals and dreams! You won’t be sorry, and may even be surprised at how much you enrich not only your life, but the lives of those you’re closest to.

Those of you who already know me have probably noticed (big DUH) that tearing up the blacktop in our Mustang convertible is definitely one of the things I love. Numerous trips are on the summer agenda, both here in Flyover Country, and a few beyond. I’m excited to share pictures and thoughts as each trip unfolds. Y TRIP 5-12 3

Of course, Lucy the rotten Rat Terrier (Rat Terrorist is more like it) is a big part of my life and she will most likely get her licks in…er, instead of bites. If you have ever met a Rat Terrier, you know they’re more than happy to give you either. No matter her mood, she is a much loved companion and member of the family. Plus she runs the house and who can argue with that? IMG_1717

Please reach out to chat about anything I’ve mentioned. I’m always up for a conversation. As an author I especially love talking about the characters and my continuing thriller series. Very often I’ve told my husband Ernie (he’s a long-suffering soul) that I’d much rather spend time with the people occupying the world inside my head. I’m quite certain there are days when he’d probably prefer I did that as well.  🙂

6 thoughts on “To Start…

  1. This is great Mary! Will miss seeing you on your visits to see Uncle David here in Florida. Best wishes on your new book.


    1. Thank you so much Robin! I wish I could have seen you on my last trip. Things just get so hectic and it was quickly planned. Hope all is well. 🙂


  2. I picked up A Different Man again, I wanted to see if I agreed with your sentiment.
    I’m not sure I do. I think the only sense that he has changed
    Is that he has fallen in love. It will be interesting to see how you develop the story from here. Especially with his responsibilities, and if it will be his ultimate downfall. Looking
    forward to the next installment.


    1. Thanks for commenting Dianne! Rowan is struggling with how to be a “different man” and never seems to have time between crises to figure it all the way out. Plus he’s fairly stubborn…lol!


  3. Hi Mary! I am looking forward to your next book as well as reading future blog posts.
    I visited the 9/11 Memorial in New York City in November of 2012. One of the Memorial guides was a Twin Tower survivor who was photographed with soot and other debris on her after climbing down over 90 flights of stairs. I shared how some of the terrorists were on Mom’s plane prior to 9/11 and how we tried to help them find the baggage claim area of our airport. Our guide was visibly shaken and couldn’t comprehend how they act like everyday visitors with us yet commited such heinous terrorist acts later. Sadly, this woman has since died. She wasn’t even 60 and I know in my heart that the Twin Tower experience ultimately led to her death.
    Life in our United States has changed so much since 9/11. Concepts like jihad and radical Islamists were not part of most of our vernacular prior to 9/11. Your blog has helped me understand how your research and attention to details were integrated into your characters and story lines. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Mary – thank you so much for commenting! I cannot wait to hear more about your Mom’s experience on a plane with some of the terrorists. Maybe you should be writing as well!


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